laravel localization

laravel localization

In this tutorial, you’ll learn two methods to capitalize the first letter of a string in Laravel: using a controller method and directly within a Blade template.

Method 1: Capitalizing First Letter in Laravel Controllers

Step1: Create a New Controller

  1. Open your Laravel project’s terminal.
  2. Use the php artisan make:controller command to create a new controller. For Exsample, create a “UserController”:
php artisan make:controller UserController

Step2: Capitalize First Letter in Controller

  1. Open the newly created UserController.php file in the app/Http/Controllers directory.
  2. Import the Illuminate\Support\Str class at the top of the file:
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
  1. Inside a controller method, capitalize the first letter of a string using the Str::ucfirst() method:
public function capitalizeName($name)
    $capitalizedName = Str::ucfirst($name);
    return view('user', ['capitalizedName' => $capitalizedName]);

Step3: Update Route

  1. Open the routes/web.php file.
  2. Define a route that uses the capitalizeName method in the UserController:
Route::get('/user/{name}', 'UserController@capitalizeName');

Method 2: Capitalizing First Letter in Blade Templates

Step1: Create a Blade View

  1. Navigate to your Laravel project’s resources/views directory.
  2. Create a new Blade view file and name it as “user.blade.php”.

Step2: Display Capitalized Name in Blade Template

  1. Open the “user.blade.php” file.
  2. Inside the Blade template, use the ucfirst() PHP function to capitalize the first letter of a variable:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Capitalization Example</title>
    <h1>Capitalized Name (From Controller): {{ $capitalizedName }}</h1>
    <h1>Capitalized Name (Static): {{ ucfirst('john doe') }}</h1>


Congratulations on mastering capitalize the first letter of a string in Laravel using controller methods and Blade templates. This versatile technique enhances your ability to manipulate text throughout your Laravel applications. Explore and integrate this method to efficiently capitalize the first letter. Happy coding!

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