In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll explore the PHP array_merge() function, a powerful tool for combining arrays seamlessly. Whether you’re merging data from multiple sources, creating composite arrays, or handling dynamic content, understanding how to use array_merge() effectively is essential for PHP developers. Learn the ins and outs of this function to enhance your array manipulation skills.

What is array_merge()?

The array_merge() function in PHP is used to merge two or more arrays into a single array. It’s a versatile tool for combining data from different sources and creating composite arrays.

Syntax of array_merge():

The syntax of the array_merge() function is straightforward:

$resultArray = array_merge($array1, $array2, ...);

Examples of Using array_merge():

Let’s explore practical examples to understand how to use array_merge() effectively:

Example 1: Basic Usage

$array1 = ["apple", "banana"];
$array2 = ["cherry", "date"];
$resultArray = array_merge($array1, $array2);
print_r($resultArray); // Output: Array([0] => apple [1] => banana [2] => cherry [3] => date)

Example 2: Associative Arrays

$assocArray1 = ["name" => "John", "age" => 30];
$assocArray2 = ["city" => "New York", "country" => "USA"];
$resultArray = array_merge($assocArray1, $assocArray2);
print_r($resultArray); // Output: Array([name] => John [age] => 30 [city] => New York [country] => USA)

Preserving Keys and Values:

Learn how to use array_merge() while preserving keys and values based on your array combining needs.

Best Practices for Array Combining:

  1. Use array_merge() to efficiently combine arrays with ease.
  2. Consider using the + operator for combining arrays if you want to preserve keys.
  3. Be cautious with associative arrays to avoid overwriting values during merging.


The PHP array_merge() function is a versatile tool for efficiently combining arrays, providing flexibility in data handling. Whether you’re merging data from multiple sources, creating composite arrays, or handling dynamic content, array_merge() simplifies the process. By mastering the examples and best practices in this tutorial, you’ll be well-prepared to utilize array_merge() effectively in your PHP projects.more